Signed up for the GW2 beta! Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Unsettling Rumours

I hear that Meerak the Scribe is completely absorbed in his reading.  I'm supposed to meet with him about some unsettling rumours he's been spreading around the towns.  He is in Ashford Abbey, so thats where I am sent.  On my way though, I find a beautiful moa feather amongst the tall grasses.  I shove it in my sack, I may have use for this later.

I am met at the Abbey gate by an Ascalonian Guard.  He seems at peace, perhaps the rumours aren't so bad.  I found Meerak inside surrounded by townsfolk and pick up hunting bands.
He looks like Ciglo.  Perhaps brothers?

Meerak says I must see Armin Saberlin at once.  He has an important message for me to deliver, and I must keep it with my life.  He tells me that he has seen Dwayna in a dream.  She told him that the Charr are afoot with dastardly plans.  This sounds awfully serious.  I must make haste.

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